Monday, October 27, 2008

Crutches are Good

Crutch -
1. a staff or support to assist a lame or infirm person in walking, now usually with a crosspiece at one end to fit under the armpit.
"I don't need a crutch to help me get through life. I can do just fine on my own." - The Agnostic

Have you taken a look at our society lately and how well things are going for everyone? Hah. Over 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, babies are being viewed as inconvenient and being mercilessly killed, women are getting pregnant out of wedlock, children are growing up without two parents and families are being destroyed because of it... our culture wants to disobey God's word in every single way possible, and look at what is happening. This is what happens to a culture that relies on their own strength.

I've been thinking a lot about this saying lately, you know the one some people say about religious people needing a crutch to get through life. I've often heard people refer to any form of religion as a crutch. Whenever this statement is made, it is always in the form of an insult. Non-religious people believe that the religious people are too weak to get through life without their religion. This statement is both true and false concerning Christianity, depending on your definition of weak.

One wrong way to view this crutch is as something Christians use to help them feel better about life and death and to help them along in life and to make them happier people. That is not the purpose of a crutch, that is not the true definition of what a crutch is. That is just one of the many problems with this analogy. This is the world's twisted view of what a crutch is. When we really think about what a crutch is - it is exactly something that everyone should have. Another wrong way to view a crutch is as an optional tool and not a necessity. In the case that a person does understand what a crutch is, they are too full of pride and they choose not to use it.

It is obvious that the Christian's view of the world and the world's view of themselves are drastically different in every way you can possibly think of. Human pride has twisted the intentions of a crutch into something that is for the weak and it is unnecessary for the strong. In the nonbeliever's eyes, having an emotional crutch is not just a bad thing but a ridiculous thing. "Why not live according to your own standards? Why not be in complete control of your own life?" To the nonbeliever, the crutch is a symbol of weakness, low self-esteem, lack of intelligence, lack of self-reliance, lack of independence, and an ignorance to reality. The crutch represents a loss of self and to let go of one's self is simply unbelievable. It is actually laughable among the lost because it is beyond their idea of common sense.

My question is this - is it really a bad thing to have a crutch? Not the world's view of a crutch, but the reality of a crutch. If you break your leg, a crutch is a good thing and it is absolutely necessary if you want to walk, because you are weak and the crutch saves you from falling. In the same way, if we are wretched sinners and have broken God's law, isn't it absolutely necessary that we have a crutch (a support to assist the lame) to save us from falling?
Is it even possible to be in such a good state that we do not need a crutch?

This is how I see it. Nonbelievers are the ones with the broken legs that are too proud to use the crutch. People who choose to accept that Jesus Christ is THE savior are the ones who are humble enough to use the crutch, because they understand their current state of weakness. Ever heard of the band Thousand Foot Krutch? This is exactly what they mean. Their name symbolizes "the point in our lives when we realize we cannot make it on our own strength." It is not an option, we humans are in need of a crutch.

I will use myself as an example. I understand what my true state is. God created the world (how many of us can say we've done that?), since he created this world - he knew what would make it function properly and thus - he set standards for his people. I broke those standards, which means that I am a law breaker. I have sinned at least once in my life. In fact I have slapped God in the face so many times with my sins I can't even count the number of times. I am a horrible, rotten, wretched sinner and I deserve nothing more than death and eternal separation from God. But! Jesus has provided a way - the only way- to repay my sins. He was a sinless, and that was why he was able to provide the payment. There is no way I could ever do it on my own. He is the only good reason we have to live. And so...

I didn't come to Jesus so that he would make my life better and all my problems would go away - I came to Jesus because I was falling and I needed forgiveness. He is the one who helps me stand.
He has saved me from the ultimate fall. In this sense - I would not live if it were not for my relationship with Christ (my "religion") If someone wants to refer to this crutch in a bad way, let it be. If someone wants to believe that I am weak, let it be. All that matters is what is true, and the truth is that I am a sinner, I am weak and HE is is the only one that is strong! He is my refuge and my strength. Without Him, no one has anything, regardless of whether or not they believe in him.

Jesus is not in the same camp as all the other religions, all the other prophets, and all of the people of the world. Why? Because he said so himself - he is the ONLY way to Heaven! Without Jesus Christ, we are nothing. If you are a Christian and you are tormented by this statement that your "religion" is just a "crutch", do not let it bother you. It is more honorable to God to humble yourself and realize your weakness than to be so proud that you don't want anyone to think you are weak.

If you think you are a good enough person to think you don't need a crutch, take a few minutes and examine yourself - your character and the way that you live. Do you sin? Of course you do. Do you repent of those sins? Do you hate all that God hates? Love all that God loves? According to the Bible there are eternal consequences for sin. If you don't hate all that God hates, there is something wrong there. If you are human - you are in a fallen sinful state and without a crutch you will never be able to walk. The only way to truly live is to understand that you are dead in your sins.

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