Monday, March 30, 2009

Be a Biblical Theologian

This morning I read an article on titled:

A Healthy Church Member is a Biblical Theologian

We can attend church for years without truly knowing God. I think the writer of this article is exactly right by saying that a healthy church member is a biblical theologian. If you do not have a thorough understanding of what the Bible says about God you are living with an ignorance of truth. God wants us to know Him and not just know of Him.

We can know God! I think its amazing how quickly we forget that God is not supposed to be just a part of our life, he is the central figure, the ruler in our lives. The Bible was written to help us understand and know Him. The Bible would not be here if God did not want us to know Him.

We can all be Biblical Theologians by:

- Reading God's Word. That means reading it from start to finish to accurately gain an understanding of who God is. This will help us to discern what is true and what is false regarding what our culture teaches us about God.
- Maintain a good understanding of biblical, historical, and systematic theology.
- Obeying His commands given to us in the Bible.

"Without a well-formed theology, including an accurate understanding of how God’s commands are to be understood in their historical development and context, it is difficult indeed to obey the Lord’s command to teach others to obey. What shall we teach? What shall we obey? How shall we know what to apply to our lives? These questions are better answered when Christians are knowledgeable of biblical theology and know their God." - from the article above.

It used to bother me that I had no idea what I believed in many areas of theology. I remember a friend of mine who had a statement of faith written out on an AIM profile and I thought to myself, "That's a great list. He really knows what He believes. What DO I believe?" Instead of living in ignorance, I chose to devote my life to understanding what the Bible says about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. There is no knowledge more important than the knowledge of God.