Saturday, November 15, 2008

The ULTIMATE Question

Think of nothing. Can you even imagine what nothing is?

Can something come from nothing?

Doesn't it take more faith to think that something came from nothing, than to believe that something was created? Anyone that does not believe there is a God is running on extreme faith because when you look at the universe and all of its intricacies, design, laws, and order - there is absolutely NO chance that it could have created itself.

No human has ever come close to explaining this and they never will be able to explain it without God (or at least some form of Intelligent design). The really sad part is that people actually think it is possible that something can come from nothing, because a few of the scientists have said so. The question is whether these scientists are speaking fact or fiction. Is what they say the truth?

Darwin discovered that species can change over time. That is all he did. He was not a genius, he was not any more special than you or me, he simply figured out a small part of the ultimate design that is the Universe. Since his time, people have formed a religion out of his idea of Evolution, now claiming that because evolution exists, there is no need for God. In no way if this logical, reasonable, or intelligent thought.

Another problem we have is time. People think that time can make the impossible possible. This idea is evidence of the complete ignorance and blindness of our culture. If you believe that time itself can make a red coke can blue, it shows that you are not aware of the reality that a coke can that is red will always remain red unless it is changed. If you believe there is no God you believe that the universe began with one single source - such as an element. But where did that element (or original source) come from?

Even so,
one element alone cannot create an entire universe. In order for all of these to exists, there has to be something to change the purpose of all of these random elements coming together to create life. This is the only way different animals can occur, different plants, and different minerals... that one original source had to either be changed or change itself into something that could ultimately create all of the things that we see now. I can assure you that one speck of star dust, nor one speck of anything, can change itself. That speck, being the very first speck to exists, would not have had a chance to "evolve" yet so the chance of it having the ability to change itself and create multiple specks out of itself that all serve different purposes... is beyond unlikely. It is impossible.

If you find a Watch on the ground in the forest, there is no way you would ever think, "Oh wow, look what the dust, rain, and leaves came together to create over a period of billions and billions of years!" No, the idea is preposterous. You know that the watch was created by a human being because it is way too intricate to have been designed by chance and let alone, designed by itself.

The same goes for the Universe. Did you know they have counted over 70 Sextillion stars so far? Do you know the intricacies of how the eyeball works? Did you know that new discoveries are still being made about the individual cell? Do you really believe that everything that exists could come from one tiny speck of star dust that came to be on its own (which is what MANY well known scientists believe).

I think that takes more faith to believe that nonsense than to see with my very eyes the incredible CREATION that is the Universe. It's just so plain... how can someone not see it?

Evolution is not a reasonable theory, it is driven by culture and not fact. Evolutionists will do and say everything they can to try and prove that this theory has any legitimate claims and can coincide with science, but when it comes down to it they have nothing.

Not only do they have nothing but they are not willing to examine the claims of the creationist and therefore, they cannot be labeled as true scientists. To be a scientist you must look at ALL possibilities and be willing to follow the truth wherever it leads. That is the entire purpose of science.

If you study Darwin's Theory of evolution you will quickly discover the many many many errors (that evolutionists have since tried to correct by changing and developing the theory). Darwin himself had doubts of his theory - because of this ultimate question. He could not explain how something came from nothing.

Every evolutionist fails at answering their own questions about why the earth exists and how the universe came to be because they do not want to believe that God could exist. Yet, there is an overabundance of evidence that could persuade them IF they gave it a reasonable chance, just as they would for any other form of scientific study. Simply in the design alone of the universe is enough evidence. God can be proven without any mention of the Bible or Jesus. Look at your hand - do you know how it works? Do you know exactly how much goes into one simple movement of the finger? Is it even a plausible idea that this "machine" that is your finger could have created itself?

How about your brain? Just try to explain the evolution of that.

The question still lingers...

How did something come from nothing?

Many (if not most) scientists today acknowledge that this theory of evolution ridiculous and not a valid theory. However, our culture has grasped onto it SO tightly because it means that maybe, just maybe... life could have created itself and therefore, there is no need for a God. They have come up with evidence that is not evidence, facts that are not fact, and logic that is simply not logical, and for what? To give man some level of importance without the existence of God.

Famous philosophers and scientists have always struggled with this question of something coming from nothing because no matter what path they take to try and explain it, it always leads up to..."I don't know. I can't know."

What makes a scientist so much smarter than the average person? They go to school for a number of years, studying theories and ideas that other men have come up with before them. What makes people believe everything they hear a philosopher say? I have no more or less respect for scientists and philosophers because all they do is learn how the earth works and functions in a particular and universal manner, without ever thinking outside the box.

No matter how hard one tries to explain the box (that is the universe), you will never understand it until you look outside the box and see that nothing comes from nothing, and something always comes from something.

Step outside of culture and look outside of the box and take a look at what you see. Can you still believe that there isn't a God?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sin and Homosexuality -- Part 1: It's about Standards, Not Religion.

This study will be broken up into four parts because there is a lot that must be said on this subject. Part 1: It's about Standards, Not Religion, Part 2: What Sin is and why Homosexuality is Sin, Part 3: Love and Acceptance, Part 4: Gay Marriage vs. God's Design.
Ecc 7:4 A wise person thinks much about death, while the fool thinks only about having a good time now.
First off before I begin, my intent is not to bash homosexuals or even imply that they are any worse than anyone else in the world. The purpose of this study is to identify the main misunderstandings between Christians and nonbelievers, to clear them up, and to explain why Christians believe what they believe regarding homosexuality and sin.

With the increasing acceptance of homosexuality in our culture, it is becoming difficult to understand what makes homosexuality a sin. It is so widely accepted now that many people cannot understand what the big deal is. How does a person's sexual preference affect anyone else, and what business is it of anyone, anyway? People see it more as a difference of opinion (either you like it or you don't like it) than a question of whether it is right or wrong. People see this acceptance of homosexuality as more of a progression and change in society than a moral issue. I know of many people that cannot understand why a religion could keep someone from accepting a person as they are, their minds can't grasp why God would ever call it a sin. As far as they are concerned it is a fact of life and it is a normal thing. The issue is not acceptance, nor is it religion. It is Standards.

This widespread acceptance of Homosexuality is a result of our standards changing as a society. This has happened a multitude of times in numerous cultures over time, people stray further and further from God, and homosexuality becomes prominent in society. It happens time and time again throughout the history of the Bible. Today, our liberal mindset has lead us to base our standards on culture's opinion rather than a higher power (which is also why our Presidents don't really have much power at all). Basically whatever the people say, that is the standard they abide by. This is completely understandable in a "godless nation" such as our own. If they don't believe in God, why should they abide by his moral standards? This is absolutely to be expected.

Regardless of whether you believe in God or not, it all comes down to the standards by which you live by. Our culture is divided in its opinions on homosexuality - many are for it, others are okay with it, these are usually people that are driven by cultural standards. Some people who are not "religious" think that homosexuality is abnormal simply because there is no scientific purpose for it, some people oppose homosexuality just because, "it's gross and weird." Others (like me) disagree with it because it is against God's moral standard.

I have some questions and a proposition for the agnostic/atheist. Please think about the questions. What will happen the moment after you breathe your last breath? Do you know? Will nothing happen? Will you go to Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Something else entirely? Is it even possible to know such a thing? Wouldn't you like to know? Of course you would, but you don't believe it is possible, in fact you *know* it is not possible. Now here is my proposition: You are a human and you do not have all knowledge, correct? Therefore, you absolutely could be wrong about this. I propose that you take a few minutes and open your mind (in the same way you want others to be open to your views), listen to and consider the claims.

What if, and I do say if - you are wrong about your claim that God does not exist or that God does not have standards? What if the claim of Christianity is actually true? What if his standards did apply to you personally? If the Christian is wrong, then so be it, it wouldn't matter because there would be nothing to worry about. But if you, the one who claims there is either no God or no way to know if there is a God, come face to face with the God (the Creator) of the universe the moment after you die, what will you say? Can you imagine yourself being in such a situation?

If this God is the one true God, there is no getting around his standards because if God is true, that would mean that there IS truth and there is an ultimate right and wrong. I believe wholeheartedly that the claims of the Bible are true, that our very existence is evidence of a creator, and all logic and reasoning in every aspect of life points to one absolute truth: God. I believe the only standard that anyone should live by is the standard of the God of the Bible, because I believe it is the truth. Therefore, either homosexuality is right or it is wrong, and if I have reason to believe that the God of the Bible is real and true - I'm going to go with his standard and say, it is wrong. I believe this is an honest judgment.

We have all been given consciences that tell us when we are doing wrong and all humans (regardless of whether or not they take pleasure in these things) acknowledge that these things are wrong: lying, stealing, murdering, dishonoring authority, envying, adultery, worshiping something that is not true, exalting something ridiculous over something of utmost importance. I can guarantee you that most people in the world would agree that these things are in fact wrong. This is God's moral standard, his law, the 10 commandments to not willingly take part in sin.

The conscience does not say that homosexuality is right, the heart does - and according to the very words of God in Jer 17:9-10 "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I know! I, the LORD, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve."

This is why our own personal beliefs and opinions cannot be legitimate truth, we base these things on our own feelings, emotions, and desires, because we do not know everything there is to know. There must be a standard that upholds absolute truth. If there is no absolute truth, how do we even function as human beings? It would be chaos everywhere, no order in anything. We would not survive.

You know the scenario I talked about before, about you standing before God after you die?

I'm telling you now - it will happen. I know you believe I am wrong on this. You say, how can you possibly know that? I know that I cannot convince you and that is not my intent. My intent is to proclaim the truth to you. It is entirely up to God if you will read this and be moved by it or read this and scoff at it. Until you come to a complete understanding of who Jesus is and why he had to do what he did, you will not (nor will you ever) understand my answers to your questions.

This is why it is absolutely necessary to think about death.

You must think about where you would stand with God because if it is true, there are standards and if you have broken those standards there is no reason that God would not (or should not!) punish you, just as a judge would in our own court system. We will all be held accountable for how we lived on this Earth, and whether or not we believed his Son, Jesus Christ.

Pro 2:2 -10:
Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity.
He guards the paths of justice and protects those who are faithful to him.
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will know how to find the right course of action every time. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.

In my next post I will discuss sin: What sin is and why Homosexuality must be considered a sin.